Watch the video below to see how eosinophils drive airway inflammation in people with eosinophilic asthma:

Want to know if your asthma may be uncontrolled?


Eosinophils (e-o-sin-o-phils) are white blood cells that are a normal part of the body’s immune system. But for some people with asthma, they can cause inflammation in the airways.

In eosinophilic asthma, eosinophils trigger inflammation in the lungs.


ovel shapeInflammation in the Airways

Inflamed airways

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ovel shapeAsthma Attacks

Asthma attacks

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ovel shapeMore Harm to the Lungs

More harm to the lungs

In a recent study of severe asthma patients…

~70% were categorized as most likely to have the eosinophilic asthma type.

Your asthma may be uncontrolled if you experience at least one of the following:

These can be signs that your asthma is uncontrolled and could be eosinophilic asthma.

Sound familiar? It may be time to discuss these symptoms with your doctor.

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Asthma Discussion Guide Use the asthma discussion guide to help you and your doctor have a conversation about your asthma.

There are treatment options for managing eosinophilic asthma.

If your asthma is uncontrolled on current treatments, a blood test may help your doctor get a better understanding of your asthma. It may help you and your doctor figure out the appropriate asthma management plan and treatment for you.

Controller or Maintenance Medications
  • Taken every day, even if you feel well
  • Work long-term to help prevent asthma symptoms and asthma attacks

Controller or maintenance medications

Rescue or Quick Relief Medications
  • Only taken when needed, for quick relief of symptoms or during an asthma attack
  • Help open up your lungs by relaxing the airway muscles

Rescue or quick-relief medications Rescue or quick-relief medications

Oral Steroids
  • Only used in cases of severe airway inflammation, to help reduce swelling, redness, and mucus in the airways

Oral steroids

Biologic Medications
  • Inhibit certain parts of the immune system that trigger inflammation, a key cause of severe asthma symptoms

Biologic medications

Your doctor may ask an asthma specialist to join the conversation with your lungs.

If you and your doctor suspect that your asthma is eosinophilic asthma, you may be referred to an asthma specialist such as an Allergist or Respirologist.

Allergists and Respirologists are doctors with special training and resources to better manage the complexities of severe asthma.


An Allergist specializes in identifying allergies and their triggers.



Sometimes called a “lung doctor”, a Respirologist specializes in helping people with breathing problems such as asthma.

Talk to your doctor, and give your lungs a voice.

Learn how eosinophilic asthma can be identified and find out if you could benefit from a referral to a specialist.

ovel shapeHear Inspiring Stories from Asthma Patients

People are giving their lungs a voice.See How

ovel shapeChecklist to Discuss Asthma with Doctor

Take the Lungprint questionnaire to help you and your doctor gain a better understanding of your asthma.Try Now

ovel shapeAsthma Risk Test

Use the asthma discussion guide to help you and your doctor have a conversation about your asthma.Download or ViewDownload or View

ovel shapeAsthma Risk Test

Speak with a healthcare professional about your asthma using virtual care, telemedicine, and telehealth resources in your province.
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